standard drink calculator

A simple, interactive tool from the Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S.

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Our Collective Commitments

Our collective commitment to harm reduction

Alcohol responsibility
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Dedicated to raising standards worldwide

As a founding member of the International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD), we are joined by other leading global beer, wine, and spirits suppliers in taking action to reduce harmful drinking and raise standards around the world as part of a whole-of-society approach.

As IARD members, we have a long history of working with others to raise industry standards, including responsible advertising and marketing practices.

We also support the efforts of trade associations and social advocacy organizations around the world that are working to prevent underage drinking, reduce the harms of alcohol, and promote responsibility and moderation whenever someone chooses to consume alcohol.

Global map image


International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD)

A not-for-profit organization supported by leading global beer, wine, and spirits producers dedicated to reducing harmful drinking and promoting understanding of responsible drinking.

Explore IARD’s resources, including their toolkits and reports.


north america

Leads the fight to eliminate drunk driving, reducing underage drinking and promoting responsible decision-making regarding beverage alcohol.

Resources for Parents from the SAMHSA:
“Talk. They Hear You.”

Additional resource from the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility:
Ask. Listen. Learn. 

Éduc Alcohol  

Promotes moderation and educates about alcohol consumption and health. 

Alcohol Informate 

Promotes a cultural change in society regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages through education for healthcare and life.  

Image of Europe map
Image of Europe map
Image of Europe map
Image of Europe map
Image of Europe map


UK: Drinkaware

Provides educational programming to change the way consumers in the UK consume alcohol; goals to reduce alcohol-related harm by helping people make better choices and preventing underage consumption.


Scotland: Scotch Whisky Association

Helps the industry harness opportunities of the future, and ensure Scotch Whisky is produced sustainably, traded globally, and enjoyed responsibly.

Alcohol and Society Foundation 

A non-profit entity, created in 2000, with the main objective of eliminating improper alcohol consumption habits. 

Resource: Explore the “Minors Not a Drop” campaign, which works to delay the age of the onset of drinking, inform about the risks of alcohol, and help parents to set rules.  

France: Prévention Et Modération 

Brings together initiatives in support of the prevention of risky behavior and promotion of responsible consumption. 

Germany: Tell It Straight

Informs, motivates, and supports parents and guardians to educate children and adolescents about alcohol. 

Resource: Explore the “Enjoy in Moderation” campaign 

Italy Recycling Information 


In accordance with Italian legislation, this complete table of our products and packaging materials will help you distinguish materials and complete collection in the right way.

Responsible Drinking 

Acts as the European representative body for producers of spirit drinks with a membership comprising of national associations representing the sector across Europe as well as a group of leading spirits producing companies.  

Image of Asia map
Image of Asia map
Image of Asia map
Image of Asia map


Industry-wide Council for Alcohol Consumption 

Supports initiatives to increase awareness and promote responsible drinking. 

Singapore Alliance for Responsible Drinking

A joint initiative of the EuroCham Wine & Spirits Committee, whose parties have agreed to collaborate and work towards ensuring high standards for the nightlife industry in Singapore, advancing awareness raising campaigns aimed at tackling the misuse of alcohol, including binge drinking. 

Taiwan Beverage Alcohol Forum

A public interest organization working to accelerate the path to responsible consumption and reducing harmful use of alcohol.

“Power of No” Campaign

Power of No is a public awareness campaign targeting young adults across Southeast Asia. This initiative aims to change the culture around drink-driving and normalize responsible drinking habits

Australia map image



Develops and implements educational campaigns to delay the onset of alcohol consumption and promote positive changes in the way Australians consume alcohol. 

Resources for Parents

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Responsibility Starts With You

Responsibility Starts with You

Alcohol facts
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Image of hand holding a glass
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Actions for a lifetime of responsibility

Knowing the facts about alcohol and how it affects the body is foundational to responsibility. 

Explore additional ways that can empower you to put responsibility front and center.

Be a responsible host

When hosting a gathering, always remember:
· Never serve anyone underage
· Provide water and food
· Make sure everyone has a safe ride home
· Provide lower- or non-alcoholic drink options

Have a plan

Plan for responsible choices, whether you are drinking or not. That means having a full meal, drinking water, knowing when to stop drinking, and having safe transportation home.

Have Plan
Know the pour
Know the pour

Always measure alcohol to ensure you serve a standard pour. Remember that in the U.S., 12 oz. (355 ml) of 5% ABV beer, is equal to 5 oz. (150 ml) of 12% ABV wine, is equal to 1.5 oz. (45 ml) of 40% ABV spirit. Each of these standard drink examples contains the same amount of alcohol. Standard drink recommendations vary by country. Be sure to check the standard drink measurements in your area.

Avoid topping off

Topping off can lead to unintended overconsumption. If a server offers to top off your drink, request that they check back when your drink is empty.

Keep an eye on your drink
Keep an eye on your drink

Never leave drinks unattended, to ensure you always know what you are consuming.

Never judge someone’s choice

If someone chooses to drink or not to drink, respect their choice. Show care and support for those who choose not to drink alcohol or are re-evaluating their relationship with alcohol.

Never judge someone’s choice
Be an ambassador of responsibility

Share the message of responsibility in your family and community. Model good behavior for children, whether you’re a parent or not. Be a leader who encourages friends to think and drink responsibly, and a trusted friend who never allows anyone to drive drunk.

we believe

In the World Health Organization (WHO)’s Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol and the responsibilities we as suppliers must take in delivering this strategy.


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